Sunday, November 9, 2014

NCIS Pays Off in the Mission Field

"I am pretending to be cold. It all actuality I am not...haha my coat is actually very nice."

[In response to mentioning that Lisa and I had finally finished the temple for work for a woman the Sam had found]:  Dad! So glad to hear that you got Sarah Hyland's work done. Yep I do remember that name! Which is a miracle, because, on the street, two seconds after someone tells me their name I forget it. I'm working on it! 

So as missionaries we get to go to the temple every six months if we are within an hour of it. We are in an hour of it so if I go out any further I won't get to go! Dad & Mom I love your letters! It's not preachy to me at all!
MOM!!! SOOO Sorry I keep forgetting to say in my emails!! I got the first package a while ago!! And I got the halloween one on the 22nd!! So no need for express shipping!!!! I loved them!!! haah Thank you soooo much!! The granola was the Abby's invitation was soo cute as well. I think we will roast those marshmallows over the stove this week:)
[In response to my question about where in the mission the sisters typically serve]:  Dad- Honestly I'm not sure where else they serve, they do serve outside of the GTA though! There is only like 2 area's we know of where the sisters aren't. 

"WE heart attacked a less active door! We came back days later...she LOVED it. 
She went on to say how grateful she was for the people in the ward that wrote on all these hearts, 
that she could tell because of the different hand writing...we nodded and smiled. The awkward thing was that it was just us that did the hearts. But I must say, my awful handwriting has now come in use once in my life;)"

So, there is this guy is name is pronounced Yacob. We met him on the street two times and the second time we talked a bit longer. He likes the BOM and wants us to go preach in his area. But he is selective in the commandments he keeps. He said that we should preach the message but just not to tell people they had to stop making money the way they were "'cause aint no one gonna listen to you then. We all gotta make a living..." "I am in the area from 1-5 watching the money go." In short he is a drug dealer. haha Later I realized Sister Mendenhall had no idea what he was talking about. So It was kind of funny to explain to her. Kudos to my NCIS watching!
We dropped by Daphne on Saturday and ended up teaching the whole apt! Brody answered the door and later Daphne and Matthew joined us. We taught them Family prayer, which they basically committed to do before we extended them the commitment. It was fun. Then we taught them. W.O.W. Daphne ate it up. She only had tea issues; Brody and Matthew are more complex, and the whole time Daphne was saying stuff like"see, I told you i was need to eat vegetables, and quitting smoking will help your heart."   Brody said it'd be really hard...but he can do it. Matthew said he'd work on it. We were expecting them to get the church on Sunday but then they texted and said Matthew was in the ER. 

"We post ESL flyers all around town. Upon posting one we found this card. It says "What is my purpose in life" "Where do I come from?" "where am I going?" It is the pack of one of the cards we pass out as missionaries. 
Some other missionaries must have taped it up a time ago.

We visited Eliane yesterday! She went to sacrament yesterday! She fed us spaghetti. The sauce was homemade and really incredible. I'm getting the recipe! She gave us fruit cake to take home for dessert. 

We started to talk about Ether 12 and then Eliane got talking.  Anyway, she told us of some cool experiences and how after she was baptized the spirit would yank her out of "not elevating situations."  She said, "I used to watch all kinds of movies, but now when I see something that doesn't elevate me it's like God yanks my spirit and says 'what do you think you're doing?!'"
The talking continued and she told us about how the temple really bugs her and how it bothers her that she doesn't feel the spirit there at all; in fact, she doesn't like being there. 

In the lesson Sister Mendenhall mentioned that she had one of her most spiritual experiences at the temple. In my mind I thought that I had not had one of those experiences yet, but that did know temples were important because I felt the spirit of peace there. As I proceeded to tell her this I found myself sharing a spiritual experience that I did have on the grounds of the temple, one that I had forgotten but truly had been a special experience. It was cool to see the spirit reminding me of the spiritual experiences I had. I know I have had many more that I unfortunately have forgotten momentarily or had not realized the significance of at the time...but I am so grateful for the spirit and how it can remind me of these experiences.
Yesterday Sister Mendenhall and I got separated for an hour and a half!! It was so annoying wasting that time. I had gotten off the subway and she had not. It took a long while to get a hold of her. After asking several people for their cell phones and not getting a hold of her, a Filipino man saw me and said "Are you mormon?!" Turns out he is an inactive member! He gave me change for a payphone! I then got a hold of her!
I am learning to love the gospel as a missionary. Work in progress! I am also working on being selfless.
Sister Reeves

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