Sunday, September 14, 2014

Settling In

Boy, she looks domesticated.

Sam and her companion, Sister Mendenhall.

[In regards to a question that Lisa asked Sam about working with members to obtain referrals, Sam responded]:

In our mission we have found most of our investigators through street contacting. The mission goal is 12 baptisms a week for the whole mission. I know that President hinckley said there are more effective ways to find the Elect such as working through members. I am just trying to introduce the idea to my comp that less actives are gold minds for referrals. The only issue with that though is that finding a referral through them takes the time of having lessons with them, helping them feel the spirit, and get over social issues (most of the less-actives we work with KNOW the church is true. But because they were offended, they stopped coming. ugh.) There are a couple people that have issues with the Bishop...I don't know who to believe! So many stories...anyway. 

Yes, we need referrals.  We really don't have any solid investigators. So it's hard to devote your time to referrals when it is a long process of getting the referral... does that make sense? So i'm trying to brainstorm that.

[Note from Jeff, the editor:  I am going to use the first initials on last names  or just first names when possible for the sake of these people's privacy):

Okay! So this weeks highlights. I invited George to be baptized! (Sister Mendenhall and her companion found him at a grocery store, and later he called and said he wanted to meet with us). We did a chapel tour with him and a brief overview of the restoration. The spirit was so strong. He accepted to be baptized saying that he had been waiting his whole life for something like this. It was great. Then he got sick and couldn't meet with us, and didn't show up at church. He hasn't answered any calls/ we're wondering what is going on.

We invited less actives--Hosny, Sister D., Sister G., Cynthia and Janelle--to church. Hosny came with her daughter so that was great! She was going to go up and bear her testimony on the BOM but one guy....who gave a nice testimony....took way to much time. So that is a bummer. But we are having fast sunday again at the end of the month because of conference! So that is good.
I am going to be trying some new Canadian candy today! I've had one bar so far...I can't remember the name but it was odd. So far 1 USA and 0 CAN. 
haha :)
I had a really cool experience on personal study. This is what I wrote in my journal: I feel my Savior's love. What an honor it has been to be rejected in this work, so that I might come closer to the Savior and taste a bit of what he felt. How much joy I have felt when his teachings have been received. I am coming to know MY savior. I am starting to feel the prints in His hands. I, of course, have so much to work on and so much more to know, but I feel my savior's love. I know that we have a Prophet and Apostles on the earth today. I know that because I know my Savior. I know what he sounds like and what he feels like. When they speak or read the Scriptures they testify of my Savior.
My testimony of Prophets have grown so much! God establishes prophets through patterns. We can know if someone truly is a prophet by seeing the fruits of their labors and if they follow after the patterns God has established such and giving them the Priesthood, Apostles, testifying of Christ, among other things. Still learning! Love it. My companion studied something great today in Mosiah 15:9-10. We need to understand the doctrine with our heart before we teach it. I am not sure if I told you about the experience I had in the MTC with the choir, but it was truly phenomenal and my testimony of the strength of our Savior grew so much. Bro. Egeat (im not sure how to spell it) is the choir director and I believe that he understood the lyrics in the song with his heart. He had studied it out with his heart and when he taught the song it was so powerful as he told us of the meaning of the lyrics and scripture stories they related to. I can't just teach the restoration. Anyone can teach. But few can teach what they have taken the time to understand with their heart. So that is my challenge for all this week. Take one principal you have learned in the gospel and learn the principal with your heart. Take the time to meditate on it. Take the time to let the spirit teach you. Tell people what you are learning.
I'm excited to know how it goes! 

On some days when I start thinking of what I could be doing at home (track, teaching the gospel to my friends, etc) I get lost in my mind, and I forget why I am here. But I get on my knees and ask to get lost in the work that day. And I always do. It is so great.
Yesterday we picked a street to tract. We met a man named Gabriel.  We began with "We are Missionaries.....We are asking people a question today, "What does religion mean to you in your life"

And he said, "Religion? Honestly, I have felt a lot of hatred from religion. I am gay."
"Oh no," I thought it my mind. He is going to find out we're Mormon and that we do not support that lifestyle and then he is going to have further evidence that religious people are gay haters. And then he is going to start getting mad at us...ahhhh

He asked a series of questions that were devised to trap us I think. He then asked us our stance on Gays. I was so glad Sister Mendenhall handled the question because I would have beaten around the bush and told him that God Loves him and gotten on a different topic. She stated:

We believe that Marriage is ordained of God. That it is between a Man and a Women. That these families are central to Gods plan. That we all have struggles in life and through Christ we can receive strength in all kinds of trials. That through Christ we can resist temptation to like the same sex, smoke, etc She stated exactly our stance. 

It was so bold. As our conversation continued we were able to testify of Gods love for us and for the importance of having Christ in our lives. It was SO dramatic to see the change in his behavior, the spirit was so strong. Be Bold. The Spirit will testify of short, bold statements. What I would have said would have not answered his question and the spirit would not have testified of my words and the spirit of contention would have been there. She is great! I am always learning from her. We had several other experiences on that street of being bold. It was so cool to see the Lords hand in the work. I know we planted seeds. I know that truth brings people closer to accepting the gospel. 

So I am so grateful for the agnostic we met that has decided to get off the fence and choose God. To see God in his life even though it doesn't make sense on paper. Because I know that while he might not accept the full truths of the gospel in this life, that he is much closer to accepting them in the next. Truth is great. Either Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon or he Didn't. Sometimes I look at the gospel and I am like wow! This sounds crazy. But then I think about the spiritual experiences I've had reading the Book of Mormon and how someone who had such little education could not have written something that is so profound, that the spirit testifies to me that it is true. The Book Of Mormon is they Key Stone of our Religion!
Pray that we will find one family to baptize this transfer! 

Sister Reeves

Sam and Sister Horton, a friend from Orem.

I assume this was taken at a Zone Conference . . .

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